Before anyone gets bored and stops reading, I need to know who is good with Apple products. My ipod (you know, the classy hand-me-down one with the tape on the sides?) has kind of died. It doesn't play, but instead gives me an error that says something like "please plug into computer to restore." But nothing happens when it's plugged in. Sad day.
Obviously, camp went really well. I was so sad to leave, but I'll be ok because Eagle and Blondie are planning an incredible Ohio visit in January, and I am determined to make it to reunion this year. Being a UL at this camp is a world of difference between being a UL at my old camp. I worked so much harder than I ever have before, but it was a good challenge. I met some amazing people and amazing children, and I'm so glad I had the experience.
A few days after I got home from camp, I moved into the house, which is happy. My room is nice, and it has a closet (something I've never had in a room!). There is also plenty of space for all of my toys, which are displayed wonderfully on the TRINKET SHELVES. I also finally finished the piece of art I have been working on for about 3 years now.
Remember when I was thinking about what songs would be oldies when we're old? I've decided at I might be wrong about some things, but The Fray Over my Head is definitely going to make it. I don't think anyone could disagree with that. How To Save a Life might make it, but Over my Head will I'm sure.
I only have one English class this semester, and it's my last real English class (meaning, my last English class through the English department. I have a couple more English related classes, but they are all through the COE, so they're a lot different). I really don't like English classes, mostly for the same reasons why Will hates them. Black American Literature should be pretty easy, I'm guessing. The first thing we're reading is A Raisin in the Sun, which I've had to read for about 5 other classes. The rest of my classes are education classes that you all probably don't care about/understand (content reading, special topics-language learning, ed. implementation), and I'm taking ASL 1 to bump myself up to full time. It should be a good semester. I'm pretty excited to go back to the writing lab too! Yay!
Laser quest last night was ridiculous. I love laser quest, even though I'm extremely bad at it. For the last round, we all decided to pick Pokemon names. I was Squirtle, Andrew was Bulbasaur, Sarah was Jigglypuff, and Kat was Evee. It was amazing, especially when the guy handed out score sheets and said all of our pokemon names in a row.