1. Today was our "Reader's Theatre" performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream. It was adorable. Absolutely adorable. I know they are seniors in high school and don't want to be called "adorable," but I was so proud of them. Personally, I think that is the hardest Shakespeare I've read. There are three sets of characters and a play within a play, and that's on top of the language and lack of stage directions that is typical of Shakespeare. And they nailed it. Absolutely nailed it.
2. I am entirely done with all of my papers for this semester. After I print them tomorrow, all I have to do is take the Instructional Techniques exam which is all opinion so no real need to prepare.
3. On Friday, I decided I wanted to see that show "Glee." I downloaded it and watched all 15 episodes this weekend. The characters are excellent. I adore that Kristen Chenoweth is in it. Sue Slyvester is amazing, and everytime she speaks, she reminds me of Becky in a crazy way. " I empower my Cheerios to live in fear by creating an environment of irrational, random terror." Not that Becky is terrifying, but you know.
4. Speaking of Becky, I found this on my facebook wall today. There are really no words neccessary to explain why this is happy:
5. Last night, I was kind of having a rough time, Tia stayed up and texted me. Even though it was 1 A.M. and she probably wanted to sleep, she stayed up anyway. That is what a real friend is like.
6. Speaking of Tia, today I learned she comes with a dowry. Yes, indeed, if any of you are looking for a fine lady, I've got one who comes with a fire safe. She is also looking for a fine Amish man, if you know, any of them are willing to leave the church and teach her Pennslyvania Dutch.
7. Yesterday I accomplished a college goal of visiting the Starz Market. It was every bit as shady as I imagined.
8. There are 42 more days until camp. 42 and camp are both the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything.
9. I finally found a pretty smelling lotion that doesn't make me itch. It's Victoria's Secret Pink, therefore, it's incredibly expensive, but I got a travel size. It's fun to smell like sweet berry and grapefruit ("fun and flirty") without getting a rash.
10. Last, but not least:
PS. How do we feel about the green? I wouldn't typically pick green. I mean, I like green and all, it's just not pink.