Thursday, November 25, 2010

Kudos to Barbie

I hate it when I hear that Barbie gives girls poor body image. For a plastic doll, Barbie takes a lot of the blame for these sort of problems, and it has always upset me quite a bit.

I mean, sure, Barbie is pretty skinny, but she is also a doll. There are those studies that show that if Barbie were a real girl, she wouldn't be able to stand because of the too small waist-too large chest scenario. Having a perfect figure is certainly something that is overvalued in our society, but blaming a toy for it seems a bit much. I have quite a few friends who were not allowed to play with Barbies when they were kids for this reason. That's just ridiculous.

My defense for Barbie has always been her slogan that girls can do anything. That's a slogan we want girls to live by, right? And Barbie certainly can do anything. There exists Barbie dolls for just about every profession: nurses, dancers, scientists, teachers, astronauts, etc. There is also a graduate Barbie put out each year. So Barbie sends off more than just the "you have to look good" message. Barbie tells girls that it doesn't matter that you are a girl, you can still be anything you want to be.

So, with all that said, I was THRILLED when I saw this commercial this morning. You go, Barbie! My mom played with Barbies, I played with Barbies, and I will most likely force my future children into playing with them. This is the most fantastic advertisement for a toy I have seen in quite some time:

A Thanksgiving Survey

10 Things I wish I could say to people...

10. Don't be so stupid about what you post on facebook. Even though we are hardly friends, I can still see everything you post, which is about the people I love.

9. I think of you every single day and I no matter what i do, I can't think of a way to make your situation better. It's way over my head and I just want to move across the country to hang out with you everyday until you are healthy again.

8. I have the world's biggest crush on you, and it is killing me that I can't even tell you or give you the slightest hint.

7. You are the best friend I could have ever asked for. You are the little sister I always wanted. You are the biggest thing that I think of when I consider taking jobs out of state. I worry about you, your friends, your school work, everything all the time. I want you to do good things with your life. Don't screw it up, kid.

6. I'm not ignoring you. I just need more alone time lately. Life is stressful, but I love you and I'll come around soon. I'm sorry I haven't been a good friend.

5. You are the best person to ever come into my life. You are my other half and I thank God everyday that I have someone who understands me and is so dependable. I hope I am the same friend to you.

4. Let's eat pizza I don't really like and watch TV shows I hate. Those have been my favorite memories of college.

3. A lot of people don't like you, but you fixed my life in every way possible, and I'm not sure you'll ever really understand how.

2. Honey, things are going to get better. You are strong. Keep staying strong. We're here for you.

1. It didn't work out between you and I, and I was pretty disappointed, but it's better this way for you. I just wish we were actually friends again. I see hilarious things everyday I want to show you, and get sad that I can't really tell you since I'm the ex-girlfriend.

9 Things About Myself

9. Even though I'm more than ready to be paid to teach, I'm going to miss my student teaching kids a whole lot.

8. I'm thinking of moving somewhere crazy in August...though I know money will probably stop me.

7. I used to have a lot of fun making outfits and wearing crazy things. I wish I wasn't too old for that now.

5. I never remember how to do long division, but I do know more camp songs that any person should.

4. I am obsessed with pink, glitter, Barbies, dolls, ballet, and anything else really girly.

3. iCarly is basically my favorite show, and I am not ashamed.

2.I actually know what the following things are: subordinate clause, independent clause, prepositions, comma splices, appositives, etc. I love sentences! :)

1. I have 10 school days left until graduation!

8 Ways to Win My Heart

8. Buy me the blue Wawa pop. If you lived in Ohio, and somehow found the blue Wawa pop, I'd probably marry you.

7. Take me to Build-A-Bear

6. Take me to Bob Evans, Cracker Barrel, or another breakfast food establishment, and then don't judge me for how much I eat.

5. watch one of my favorite movies with me (Elf or The Wizard Oz)

4. Like my family

3. Don't judge me for my ice cream choices (cotton candy with gummy bears)

2. Hang out with me and Lizzy.

1. The fastest way to my heart is to not only tolerate my dog, but to actually like him and befriend him, and appreciate all of his fat, lazy, stubborn, and unintelligent qualities.

7 Things That Cross My Mind a Lot.

7. If anything I say ever stays in my students' minds.

6. Getting a job after graduation

5.What my friends are up to and how I can figure out how to spend more time with them

4. How Eagle and I can live closer together.

3. How I will decorate my future home with the maximum amount of pink possible

2. What some of my campers are up to during the school year

1. God

6 Things I Do Before I Go to Bed

6. brush my teeth

5. set alarm clock

4. set out clothes for the next day

3. read the Bible

2. check that I set my alarm clock

1. say goodnight to Charlie

5 People That Mean a Lot to Me [ besides family ]

5. Oh I hate this, I'm not choosing five.





4 Things I'm Wearing Right Now

4. tan pants

3. pink sweatshirt

2. ring

1. socks that say "Potter" on the bottom....

3 Songs I Listen to Often

3. Hal and Oates "Make my Dreams Come True"

2.Owl City "Fireflies"

1. Miley Cyrus "Party in the USA"

2 Things I Want in My Future

2. a job

1. to stay in touch with my friends

1 Confession

1. I have "The Dog Who Saved Christmas" set to record on DVR already...