It's only been summer for a week, and it's been fun.
Tuesday was Jen's birthday (Happy Birthday again Jen!) and her party was pretty fun, and included much crazy singing and paper throwing. Wednesday, we cleaned out the office, then Andrew, Jason and I went on a grand adventure to find the fourth season of Sabrina the Teenage Witch on DVD. Apparently, Sabrina fans are misinformed about which seasons are enjoyable, because no stores carry season 4, but they carry season 5! The show kind of goes downhill when she goes to college, haha. But overall, it was a wonderful adventure, and I had a good time with Andrew and Jason.
Hopefully there will be bigger adventures before I leave. I'd very much like to have a camp food party/going away party. We will just build a fire in my yard, and probably make foil dinners and doughboys (since I haven't had a doughboy in forever!) Wacky cake will probably also be involved, along with whatever food people bring to cook. So, whenever I figure out what day it is, I will be sure to let you know!
Well, my beloved canon took a poop and died a few weeks ago during a tragic water accident at Country Diner. It was sad, but I found a poloriod online for only 40 dollars, so I went ahead and bought it. Clearly, it won't be as good as my old camera, but it will have to do for now. I'm kind of impatient waiting for it though, because lots of photo worthy things have been happening. I imagine I'll get it next week. Also, it's pink! lol.
Lizzy is studying spelling right now, and one of her words this week is "fierce." That reminds me-I'm pretty disapointed in top model results this season. I didn't catch the entire episode, but I saw enough to see who won.
This is Teyona, who won:
So, I feel like I should have more to say, but I don't really right now. I'm really hungry, so time for a snack :)
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