I have to say, my friends are a bunch of cotton-headed-ninny-muggins who don't enjoy celebrating Christmas until AFTER Thanksgiving. I disagree. For one, since I work at the mall, I've been celebrating Christmas since like, September. People laughed at us for putting holiday dresses out so early, (but guess what, now all those people who waited for an "appropriate" time to buy a holiday dress are now having trouble finding the right sizes!) It seems like I haven't been to church in ages (thanks to the fact I work in retail and taking on some extra holiday hours), but I remember once last year, about this time, we walked into church and there were Christmas decorations up already. A lot of people were like "oh no, this is just too wrong! it's too early for this!" The pastor counteracted that by saying that in all of the holiday ridiculousness, everyone kind of forgets what Christmas is actually for. Why should we not celebrate Christmas as early as we can? I mean, Jesus is a kind of important guy :) so we ought to give Him as much celebration as possible. I'm all for that. Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable that I started listening to Nsync Christmas two weeks ago.
I told this to Becky, and she replied with "Jesus thinks you're tacky," which made me love her even more. I can't wait until December 28 when her and Tia come to see me! I'm so proud of Blondie for actually trying to make plans ahead of time to come see me!
Speaking of which, anyone who wants to have a mini-roadtrip to the Akron Canton airport on the 28 around 5ish pm let me know. I need a ride to go get Eagleeeee!
With all of the happy Christmasy things in my life, it's so hard to concentrate on school. Thanksgiving hasn't ever been a favorite of mine, but the socially acceptable Christmas celebrating is something I like. I'm excited to get to go to my Grandparents house for Thanksgiving dinner, and actually get to meet my little baby second cousins I've seen a million pictures of. I'm so excited that there are babies in the family! On Friday, I got lucky enough not to have to go into work until 8, and I'm pretty excited for the hours between Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, Bart, mom, and I are going to Sharon PA to go outlet mall shopping and explore Kraynaks. I'm excited for this weekend, it will be a nice break from school before finals (a nice break given that I get all my work done before Wednesday).
Anyway, this weekend was awesome. I am so proud of Circle K because of the turn-out at the panty party. There were 3 other clubs there (BW, Walsh, and Kent, and well we can say Marietta too if we just count Chad) and tons of people. We ended up going an hour over the time, and we collected over 100 dollars for the rape crisis center, and a whole lot of panties (I'm not sure quite how many). Crafts were fun too, we ended up decorating all of the tote bags. I also learned an important lesson, which is Chili's is not a good restaurant to take my Akron friends.
Well, right now I am at work without an appointment for almost the entire time I am here. Another tutor just asked what the paper I was writing is about, so now I'm feeling guilty and I'm actually going to do my homework.

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