It just doesn't stop being funny. If I haven't made you watch this yet, watch it right now.
It's awesome to be done with the semester, but being done with the semester means no tutoring, which means only one paycheck for a while. It is not going to be fun having to come up with rent with only one paycheck :(
Victoria is in town this week, which is awesome. I'm not to happy about the circumstances that bring her to Ohio, but seeing my BFF for a few days before Christmas is really great. Plus, her sister wants to get rid of a ton of clothes, so she's bringing them for me :) Also, our moms are going to get to hang out, and that hasn't happened for years! I'm so excited. Just keep Victoria in your prayers this week when she gets all the testing done at the Cleveland Clinic.
Eagle and Blondie will be here very very soon, and I'm also excited about that. I'm way more excited about seeing them than I am about Christmas.
Work is awesome. Can you believe I've kept a job for a year? Haha. Not that I get fired from jobs a lot, I've never been fired. I've just always been in this cycle of only having seasonal jobs. I'm looking into another job for the Spring, so wish me luck on that!
If you have been wondering what to get me for Christmas, here's a suggestion: is one of the happiest things in the entire world.
Well, it's time for me to go find *something* to eat before I go to work. I'll post something more exciting later, I promise!

Lol, so I don't really get why that video is so funny. Its ~okay~. But I guess Miley Cyrus finds it hilarious, cause she says she can't stop watching it!