"She said she didn't like Lady Gaga. That was the last nail on the coffin of her youth."
If you haven't watched it yet, take 9 minutes out of your life (yes, 9 minutes. That's not a typo) and watch the Telephone video. It's worth every second.
Andrew thinks my new thing is going to be sunglasses, and that I should have a pair of sunglasses for every outfit. I only bought one pair today, but he attempted to peer pressure me into several pairs. We did, however, find an Andrew Real World-esque pair, which I will surely buy as soon as I get my tax check. Surprisingly, we found a purple pair at Claires, and a more authentic blue pair at Pac Sun. Worth 15 dollars? If anyone gets the reference when I wear them, then yes.
Today, Chick Fil A was giving away free milkshakes. What a happy, happy surprise.
It's spring break, so if you're off, call me, maybe we'll hang out.
Please keep my friends in your prayers this week. I imagine it's going to be a tough week for a lot of them.
Because of recent discussions of the Baby-sitter's club, I have been inspired to watch the movie, and I forgot just how excellent this movie is. Oh my.
This entire blog is going to be dedicated to my thoughts while watching this movie. Be prepared for excellent-ness.
Kristy: Founding member of the Baby-sitter's club. But really, how could we forget? Doesn't mean to brag or anything, but she has a lot of great ideas. Stacey- Club treasurer. She's good with money, but she likes spending it (financially irresponsible?) She grew up in New York, and sometimes she thinks she still lives there. MaryAnne-Kristy's best friend who is "kind of quiet, kind of serious." Kristy follows up with the statement "why are we friends?" (too long pause) "they say that opposites attract." Mary Anne is wearing the shortest skirt ever with man tube socks. Is that supposed to be cute? Dawn-MaryAnne's step-sister who wishes she was born on Earth day. First scene of Dawn-she's picking up litter, dressed in her "California casual" style. Same girl who plays Alex Mack. Claudia- "do you know anyone who can take a fork and a hammer and create that?" Mallory- I hate Mallory so much I'm not wasting the words to describe her. Jessi- "Jessi's motto is, why walk when you can dance?" Clearly Jessi's only flaw is that she's friends with Mallory.
"We're more than just a club. We're friends. We're best friends."
Conflict of the movie introduced: Claudia failed science and has to go to summer school. If she doesn't pass, she has to drop out of the Baby-Sitter's club. OH NO WHATEVER SHALL THEY DO? Claudia is the only one with her own phone line; they are using her for the meeting space. They all assure her she'll pass, and then she gives this super authentic "But what if I don't?!?"
Stacy arrives at Rosie Wilder's house with the KID KIT. Then she meet's Rosie's dreamy Swiss cousin, Luca. Good thing she has that Kid Kit, that's hot. Then he totally hits on her. Then, oh. my. god. Luca helps her baby-sit. He even carries the kid kit and takes them out for ice cream. BUT WHY IS STACY EATING ICE CREAM. In every book there's like, 25 pages about how she is diabetic. Then totally asks Stacy on a date, and she happens to work in that she grew up in New York City. "It's the best." "Just like you."
Kristy has another GREAT IDEA. Not just any idea. THE MOST BRILLIANT IDEA YET. They're going to open a day camp! She makes a start up budget and everything. What? These kids are 11 and 13. They're going to open a day camp? Where are the unit leaders? Where are the over 21s? Where is the ACA? Can middle schoolers get background checks? KRISTY THIS ISN'T LEGAL!
Introduce nemesis: neighbor lady who is not going to be happy with child run day camp in the neighbor's yard. Introduce other nemesis: Cookie Mason, who's life goal is to put the BSC out of business and steal MaryAnne's boyfriend Logan. Same actress as Gia in full house, who is also a jerk.
Speaking of Logan, what a good looking man. He's from Kentucky or something. Plaid shirt, tucked in with belt. Long, dreamy blonde hair, with an equally as dreamy hick accent.
The BSC is hanging out at a hamburger place where Dawn is eating seeds. Can you even order seeds at a restaurant? Then Jessi looks at her and says, "hey Dawn, have you watered yourself lately?" LOLZ.
Now, all of a sudden, the camp is set up and running. To sort the kids into groups, they pin a pot holder to each kids shirt. A pot holder? Really? What about a hat? Or a bandana? Or a sticker? Really Kristy-a pot holder. Not your best idea. Kristy also wears a hat that says "the boss" in this scene. It's silly.
Introduce another nemesis: Alan Gray, poor boy who has a crush on Dawn and wears suspenders. Introduce another nemesis: Kristy's real father shows up in a yellow Eurovan. He tells Kristy to keep it a secret that he's there, and she agrees. Oh Kristy, that's a bad idea. Didn't your mother ever teach you anything? Then Mary Anne and Kristy visit her dad in his shady Eurovan camping thingie, and he makes them "mouse pancakes." They don't look like mice at all. They sort of look like tadpoles. The he gives her a dress. Oh, Kristy. You're a moron. This guy's a creeper.
Cut to a scene of Mary Anne and Kristy playing clue together. That's boring. Can you even play clue with 2 people?
OHHHH NO. Just as Kristy leaves Day Camp to be with her dad in secret, mean neighbor lady comes over and threatens to call the city to revoke their permit. This is why 13 year olds shouldn't run camps. They forgot to get a permit! "Did we even have a country back then?" "Well, no, but we had a lot of diphtheria." MALLORY NO ONE LIKES YOU. Cut to a lunchtime scene. Where did that dining hall come from?
Stacy freaking out about a DATE WITH LUCA. He tells her she looks smashing. He looks smashing as well. Jacket tied around his waist, funny hat. Oh, my, they're going hiking. Stacy's getting woozy. That's because she didn't eat. Then she passes out. Because she didn't eat. You know, because she's diabetic. And she has failed to learn every diabetes related lesson ever, you know, Sabrina the Teenage Witch style. But no worries, there's this cute scene of Luca with his arm on her shoulder, as she confesses her big big big secret. She has diabetes. "I don't think you're weird, I think you're beautiful." Oh man. Oh man. Is he gonna kiss her? yea....yea....there he goes....and he just touches her face.
Kristy is a bad friend in this movie. Oh man. She blows off her friends for her dad all the time.
Oh man, I forgot about Alan Gray and his magic tricks.
Dawn: "What's up with you and Kristy?" MaryAnne: "Do you think I should get my ears pierced?" MaryAnne is almost as smooth at topic changes as I am.
Everyone in this movie has two names. David Michael. Emily Michelle. Even that kid's imaginary friend's name is Jimmy Tony.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG This is about my be my favorite part. The BSC emergency method to make Claudia pass science. "The brain the brain the center of the chain." Random thought: if Claudia is summer camping all day, when does she go to summer school?
"Look at Nanny's tomatoes! They're huge! This year she's singing them show tunes. They're a lot bigger than the year she was singing them church songs." --Kristy's mom.
"I can't tell you." "But you can tell MaryAnne." "But she's my best friend." YOU JERK KRISTY. YOU JERK.
Happy surprise: Claudia got a B-! she passed! Thanks to that crappy song. So she gets to go to NYC with Stacy and Luca, where Luca finds out she's only 13. 13! He just shouts it a lot! 13! Stacy returns home with dark sunglasses, and an sad song plays.
"I planted those just for the hummingbirds" -mean neighbor lady "I think hummingbirds are magical" -Dawn Dawn's such a hippy. I love her. And she always looks so California Casual.
KRISTY WHY ARE YOU AT AN AMUSEMENT PARK ALONE. THAT JUST SCREAMS KIDNAPPING. Yeah, Kristy. Your dad stood you up. I didn't see that coming or anything.
LOLZ. Cookie Roberts and friends get stuck in wet cement. LOLZ.
The most heartwarming part of this movie is when Kristy let Claudia wear her "boss" hat.
They only made 160 dollars from the day camp. That's it. But it's ok, because Jackie Rodowsky hit his first homerun with a shovel and a kickball, and he knocked Cookie Mason off a tree into a dumpster. Way to be Jackie Rodowsky. Aww, and Alan finally asks Dawn out for real. And she says yes. He probably likes her because she's so California Casual.
awww and the Happy ending is that they give the greenhouse (which I basically didn't talk about in this entire blog) to mean neighbor lady.
And now, a treat:
That's from the original series put out by Scholastic
And here you go, you've been wondering it the entire blog. What the heck is California casual? Oh, Dawn.