If you haven't watched it yet, take 9 minutes out of your life (yes, 9 minutes. That's not a typo) and watch the Telephone video. It's worth every second.
Andrew thinks my new thing is going to be sunglasses, and that I should have a pair of sunglasses for every outfit. I only bought one pair today, but he attempted to peer pressure me into several pairs. We did, however, find an Andrew Real World-esque pair, which I will surely buy as soon as I get my tax check. Surprisingly, we found a purple pair at Claires, and a more authentic blue pair at Pac Sun. Worth 15 dollars? If anyone gets the reference when I wear them, then yes.
Today, Chick Fil A was giving away free milkshakes. What a happy, happy surprise.
It's spring break, so if you're off, call me, maybe we'll hang out.
Please keep my friends in your prayers this week. I imagine it's going to be a tough week for a lot of them.
YAY Lady Gaga, lol, she's taken over my LIFE this month I feel. And just wait, you're gonna look awesome in a million different pairs of happy in-the-club-with-a-bottle-of-red-wine sunglasses.