And on the ride home we came to the sad, sad conclusion that maybe this is the end of our show? (or the spin off series of the Patsy's freshman year show, if you belonged to that clique). Since Kyuhun went home, I'm going to camp soon/moving out, and Sarah went to China (even though it's only for 3 weeks), Andrew has concluded that this is like the second to last season of Sabrina when all of the good characters left. He thinks we've been canceled, or at least jumped the shark. I prefer to think we're going to out-season Law and Order, though.
In the process of being sad about this, we started to talk about how our show is making tons of money on product placement. We really should be rich. So in honor of that thought, here's a list (some are Andrew's thoughts, others are mine):
Top Ten Products that are Advertised on the TV Show that is Our Lives:
10. Value Time: as in, the brand of most foods I buy. See, I'm not actually poor. Value Time food products has just invested a lot of money in our show, so I have to eat this. When Value Time feels as if they are not getting their money's worth of product placement, they call Andrew and ask him to draw more attention to their brand, which he does by making fun of it.

9. Starbucks: is making a killing off of our show. See, they pay us a large sum of money to advertise for them, which we spend entirely on Starbucks, therefore they lose no money. Plus, we inspire all of our fans to drink their overpriced coffee. In fact, the half price frappuchino week was our idea, Starbucks just knew we had enough influence for it to work. Actually, any time we have an idea for a drink, Starbucks just creates it and has us drink it all the time. Apple Chai Infusion? Our idea.
8. Bud Lite Lime: because really, it's not that good, and why would anyone drink it if weren't for subliminal messaging?

7. Build-A-Bear is making a lot off our show, due to the collections of bears displayed in my room. When they stopped paying us, my room just got messier, covering up the bears.

6. Red Bull: Like build a bear, when Red Bull doesn't pay, Andrew simply shuts off the fridge in his room, which draws less attention to the product placement.

5. Destiny's Child: See, now that Beyonce has hit it big solo, Kelly Rowland and that other girl Michelle Something wanted to make a few dollas so they could pay their bills, you know, keep paying their telephone bills, paying their automo'bills. So, to do that, they gave Andrew a special copy of their greatest hits cd, and pay us to make fun of their back-up vocals when we're in the car.

4. Kiwanis International/Circle K International: Since they're a non-profit, they don't actually pay us. It's more like a shameless plug. CKI saw no increase in membership since the beginning of our show; instead, more people just asked "isn't that a gas station?" This idea was mocked in the episode where Brittany's mom thought she made up Circle K.

3. Pokemon: Nintendo has had so many new advancements in gaming these days (i.e., wii, nintendo ds, etc) that they don't want their fans to forget their humble beginnings. Nintendo gave us a large sum of cash to plug Pokemon on our show. The only stipulation was that we had to reach an incredibly high quota of Pokemon references per episode. We've managed. We got a bonus on Halloween for our costumes.
2. American Eagle: American Eagle has been featured in every episode so far, mostly in Andrew's wardrobe, but occasionally in other characters. We got a bonus for the time Andrew's character worked at American Eagle. It is actually hypthosized that camp names do no exsist. Camp names were created for our show simply so they could call my best friend "Eagle" as another subminial message to brainwash our viewers into shopping there. Since the beginning of our show, button-up shirt sales have increase 49 percent.

1. Lady Gaga: Lady Gaga was going to be a made up artist with a song created especially for the show (much like the episode of Sabrina with the song mentioned in the title), and was featured prominentely for Sarah and Brit's birthday. Who would have known "Telephone" would be such a hit and Gaga would become a world sensation? Did Gaga change your life? You're welcome.
9. Starbucks: is making a killing off of our show. See, they pay us a large sum of money to advertise for them, which we spend entirely on Starbucks, therefore they lose no money. Plus, we inspire all of our fans to drink their overpriced coffee. In fact, the half price frappuchino week was our idea, Starbucks just knew we had enough influence for it to work. Actually, any time we have an idea for a drink, Starbucks just creates it and has us drink it all the time. Apple Chai Infusion? Our idea.
8. Bud Lite Lime: because really, it's not that good, and why would anyone drink it if weren't for subliminal messaging?
7. Build-A-Bear is making a lot off our show, due to the collections of bears displayed in my room. When they stopped paying us, my room just got messier, covering up the bears.
6. Red Bull: Like build a bear, when Red Bull doesn't pay, Andrew simply shuts off the fridge in his room, which draws less attention to the product placement.

5. Destiny's Child: See, now that Beyonce has hit it big solo, Kelly Rowland and that other girl Michelle Something wanted to make a few dollas so they could pay their bills, you know, keep paying their telephone bills, paying their automo'bills. So, to do that, they gave Andrew a special copy of their greatest hits cd, and pay us to make fun of their back-up vocals when we're in the car.
4. Kiwanis International/Circle K International: Since they're a non-profit, they don't actually pay us. It's more like a shameless plug. CKI saw no increase in membership since the beginning of our show; instead, more people just asked "isn't that a gas station?" This idea was mocked in the episode where Brittany's mom thought she made up Circle K.
3. Pokemon: Nintendo has had so many new advancements in gaming these days (i.e., wii, nintendo ds, etc) that they don't want their fans to forget their humble beginnings. Nintendo gave us a large sum of cash to plug Pokemon on our show. The only stipulation was that we had to reach an incredibly high quota of Pokemon references per episode. We've managed. We got a bonus on Halloween for our costumes.
2. American Eagle: American Eagle has been featured in every episode so far, mostly in Andrew's wardrobe, but occasionally in other characters. We got a bonus for the time Andrew's character worked at American Eagle. It is actually hypthosized that camp names do no exsist. Camp names were created for our show simply so they could call my best friend "Eagle" as another subminial message to brainwash our viewers into shopping there. Since the beginning of our show, button-up shirt sales have increase 49 percent.
1. Lady Gaga: Lady Gaga was going to be a made up artist with a song created especially for the show (much like the episode of Sabrina with the song mentioned in the title), and was featured prominentely for Sarah and Brit's birthday. Who would have known "Telephone" would be such a hit and Gaga would become a world sensation? Did Gaga change your life? You're welcome.
This is quite seriously the highlight of my day, ahahahahahahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa -- hilarious.