Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone remembers that today is for Jesus and family and friends.
I have plenty of updates from my post-graduation life, and they will be coming later via new labtop* :)
I love you all! Now go listen to some NSync!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Kudos to Barbie
I mean, sure, Barbie is pretty skinny, but she is also a doll. There are those studies that show that if Barbie were a real girl, she wouldn't be able to stand because of the too small waist-too large chest scenario. Having a perfect figure is certainly something that is overvalued in our society, but blaming a toy for it seems a bit much. I have quite a few friends who were not allowed to play with Barbies when they were kids for this reason. That's just ridiculous.
My defense for Barbie has always been her slogan that girls can do anything. That's a slogan we want girls to live by, right? And Barbie certainly can do anything. There exists Barbie dolls for just about every profession: nurses, dancers, scientists, teachers, astronauts, etc. There is also a graduate Barbie put out each year. So Barbie sends off more than just the "you have to look good" message. Barbie tells girls that it doesn't matter that you are a girl, you can still be anything you want to be.
So, with all that said, I was THRILLED when I saw this commercial this morning. You go, Barbie! My mom played with Barbies, I played with Barbies, and I will most likely force my future children into playing with them. This is the most fantastic advertisement for a toy I have seen in quite some time:
A Thanksgiving Survey
10 Things I wish I could say to people...
10. Don't be so stupid about what you post on facebook. Even though we are hardly friends, I can still see everything you post, which is about the people I love.
9. I think of you every single day and I no matter what i do, I can't think of a way to make your situation better. It's way over my head and I just want to move across the country to hang out with you everyday until you are healthy again.
8. I have the world's biggest crush on you, and it is killing me that I can't even tell you or give you the slightest hint.
7. You are the best friend I could have ever asked for. You are the little sister I always wanted. You are the biggest thing that I think of when I consider taking jobs out of state. I worry about you, your friends, your school work, everything all the time. I want you to do good things with your life. Don't screw it up, kid.
6. I'm not ignoring you. I just need more alone time lately. Life is stressful, but I love you and I'll come around soon. I'm sorry I haven't been a good friend.
5. You are the best person to ever come into my life. You are my other half and I thank God everyday that I have someone who understands me and is so dependable. I hope I am the same friend to you.
4. Let's eat pizza I don't really like and watch TV shows I hate. Those have been my favorite memories of college.
3. A lot of people don't like you, but you fixed my life in every way possible, and I'm not sure you'll ever really understand how.
2. Honey, things are going to get better. You are strong. Keep staying strong. We're here for you.
1. It didn't work out between you and I, and I was pretty disappointed, but it's better this way for you. I just wish we were actually friends again. I see hilarious things everyday I want to show you, and get sad that I can't really tell you since I'm the ex-girlfriend.
9 Things About Myself
9. Even though I'm more than ready to be paid to teach, I'm going to miss my student teaching kids a whole lot.
8. I'm thinking of moving somewhere crazy in August...though I know money will probably stop me.
7. I used to have a lot of fun making outfits and wearing crazy things. I wish I wasn't too old for that now.
5. I never remember how to do long division, but I do know more camp songs that any person should.
4. I am obsessed with pink, glitter, Barbies, dolls, ballet, and anything else really girly.
3. iCarly is basically my favorite show, and I am not ashamed.
2.I actually know what the following things are: subordinate clause, independent clause, prepositions, comma splices, appositives, etc. I love sentences! :)
1. I have 10 school days left until graduation!
8 Ways to Win My Heart
8. Buy me the blue Wawa pop. If you lived in Ohio, and somehow found the blue Wawa pop, I'd probably marry you.
7. Take me to Build-A-Bear
6. Take me to Bob Evans, Cracker Barrel, or another breakfast food establishment, and then don't judge me for how much I eat.
5. watch one of my favorite movies with me (Elf or The Wizard Oz)
4. Like my family
3. Don't judge me for my ice cream choices (cotton candy with gummy bears)
2. Hang out with me and Lizzy.
1. The fastest way to my heart is to not only tolerate my dog, but to actually like him and befriend him, and appreciate all of his fat, lazy, stubborn, and unintelligent qualities.
7 Things That Cross My Mind a Lot.
7. If anything I say ever stays in my students' minds.
6. Getting a job after graduation
5.What my friends are up to and how I can figure out how to spend more time with them
4. How Eagle and I can live closer together.
3. How I will decorate my future home with the maximum amount of pink possible
2. What some of my campers are up to during the school year
1. God
6 Things I Do Before I Go to Bed
6. brush my teeth
5. set alarm clock
4. set out clothes for the next day
3. read the Bible
2. check that I set my alarm clock
1. say goodnight to Charlie
5 People That Mean a Lot to Me [ besides family ]
5. Oh I hate this, I'm not choosing five.
4 Things I'm Wearing Right Now
4. tan pants
3. pink sweatshirt
2. ring
1. socks that say "Potter" on the bottom....
3 Songs I Listen to Often
3. Hal and Oates "Make my Dreams Come True"
2.Owl City "Fireflies"
1. Miley Cyrus "Party in the USA"
2 Things I Want in My Future
2. a job
1. to stay in touch with my friends
1 Confession
1. I have "The Dog Who Saved Christmas" set to record on DVR already...
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Henry Builds A Cabin
I do have a little bit to share today. My students are just finishing up a book on Henry David Thoreau and Walden, and I was searching the internet to try and find images to show them, when I stumbled upon this piece of greatness:

This is one in a series of picture books intended for 2-3 graders. They are to serve as a basic intro to Transcendentalism. Henry is a bear who wants to build a cabin in the woods, and his friends Emerson and Alcott think he's silly (as in Ralph Waldo and Louisa May). The summary on Amazon shows it hits on 3 of the 4 main points of transcendentalism (simplicity, nature, and's missing the spirituality bit). Do I want to buy this and read it to all future classrooms as an into the literary movement? YES! Do I want to buy this and read it every single day to myself? YES!
Graduation is in 8 weeks and then who knows what will happen! So far, the plan is to ride a bus to New Jersey to visit Eagle around January 12th-ish, and be there for her birthday, and then visit American Girl Place and then Camp Reunion! It's too early to be counting down the days, but it certainly is something to look forward to!
This is the first post that has been tagged with "bears." How did that happen??
Friday, September 17, 2010
Student Teaching in a nutshell
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Yea, I miss my mattress. And my boxspring.
One of the first things I did when I got home was go on an adventure with Bart, Lizzy, and my mom to the zoo, where there was a Dinosaurs exhibit, and a POOP exhibit.
Lizzy was pretty determined to look as though she was having a terrible time in every picture...
...until we decided to look like mean dinosaurs.
At the zoo gift shop, I bought a really fantastic card for Eagle made of Poo Poo Paper. It's kind of a really awesome concept, and probably the best thing I've ever sent to anyone. When I mailed it, the lady working at the post office said "oh this is pretty, what is it made of?" and I decided not to tell her it was made of poop.
In the process of writing this blog, Natalie introduced me to a hilarious website called Catalog Living. It is the funniest thing I have read in a really long time. Basically, it shows ridiculous pictures from catalogs and tells the story of the people who live in those houses. Fortunately for Andrew, they spend a lot of time mocking decorative balls.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Although it seems like we just met, you're the one I won't forget
I could do that thing where I summarize summer week by week, but no one would actually want to read that. I could tell a million stories about funny things the kids said and did, along with funny things the staff said, but that may be a lot of "you had to be there" sort of moments. But since Andrew was so upset that my last post was less than satisfactory and now I feel obligated to post something about the past two months of my life, I'll say this:
It's no secret that I love camp a lot, but it became really obvious this summer just how important camp is to my life. It was by no means a perfect summer. It was stressful as always, plus temperatures in the triple digits, and at one point, for the first time in my entire camp life, I was actually a little homesick. But I got through all of that, and I am now entirely sure that this is what I'm supposed to be doing with my life. This summer I took a lot of risks, and I really changed for the better. For the first time in my life, I feel ok with myself and with where my life is going. And that's what's really important.

And I've been thinking maybe somewhere down the road
After all our stories have been told
I'll sit and think of you, you
The dear friend I once knew
Shot through my life a shooting star
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
home home home
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Mullet with headlights. Over surprised guy.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Oh, google
Thursday, May 20, 2010
odds and ends
Please take note of the trending topics...Why in the world would John Stamos be a trending topic on yahoo? Just when I thought that I was the last person in the world to still fully enjoy Full House, something like this happens...
In 17 days, I'm going to be going to the Crayola Factory with my bffs Eagle and Ritz. I'm a little upset I'll be missing the dinosaur exhibit which ends May 31 (sad day) but it's going to be the coolest place ever. The website says it's the home of the world's largest crayon! yesss
In other news, funniest thing I've seen this week: Shark Sleeping Bag:
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Shake your wanny fanny, funky song funky song
And on the ride home we came to the sad, sad conclusion that maybe this is the end of our show? (or the spin off series of the Patsy's freshman year show, if you belonged to that clique). Since Kyuhun went home, I'm going to camp soon/moving out, and Sarah went to China (even though it's only for 3 weeks), Andrew has concluded that this is like the second to last season of Sabrina when all of the good characters left. He thinks we've been canceled, or at least jumped the shark. I prefer to think we're going to out-season Law and Order, though.
In the process of being sad about this, we started to talk about how our show is making tons of money on product placement. We really should be rich. So in honor of that thought, here's a list (some are Andrew's thoughts, others are mine):
9. Starbucks: is making a killing off of our show. See, they pay us a large sum of money to advertise for them, which we spend entirely on Starbucks, therefore they lose no money. Plus, we inspire all of our fans to drink their overpriced coffee. In fact, the half price frappuchino week was our idea, Starbucks just knew we had enough influence for it to work. Actually, any time we have an idea for a drink, Starbucks just creates it and has us drink it all the time. Apple Chai Infusion? Our idea.
8. Bud Lite Lime: because really, it's not that good, and why would anyone drink it if weren't for subliminal messaging?
7. Build-A-Bear is making a lot off our show, due to the collections of bears displayed in my room. When they stopped paying us, my room just got messier, covering up the bears.
6. Red Bull: Like build a bear, when Red Bull doesn't pay, Andrew simply shuts off the fridge in his room, which draws less attention to the product placement.

5. Destiny's Child: See, now that Beyonce has hit it big solo, Kelly Rowland and that other girl Michelle Something wanted to make a few dollas so they could pay their bills, you know, keep paying their telephone bills, paying their automo'bills. So, to do that, they gave Andrew a special copy of their greatest hits cd, and pay us to make fun of their back-up vocals when we're in the car.
4. Kiwanis International/Circle K International: Since they're a non-profit, they don't actually pay us. It's more like a shameless plug. CKI saw no increase in membership since the beginning of our show; instead, more people just asked "isn't that a gas station?" This idea was mocked in the episode where Brittany's mom thought she made up Circle K.
3. Pokemon: Nintendo has had so many new advancements in gaming these days (i.e., wii, nintendo ds, etc) that they don't want their fans to forget their humble beginnings. Nintendo gave us a large sum of cash to plug Pokemon on our show. The only stipulation was that we had to reach an incredibly high quota of Pokemon references per episode. We've managed. We got a bonus on Halloween for our costumes.
2. American Eagle: American Eagle has been featured in every episode so far, mostly in Andrew's wardrobe, but occasionally in other characters. We got a bonus for the time Andrew's character worked at American Eagle. It is actually hypthosized that camp names do no exsist. Camp names were created for our show simply so they could call my best friend "Eagle" as another subminial message to brainwash our viewers into shopping there. Since the beginning of our show, button-up shirt sales have increase 49 percent.
1. Lady Gaga: Lady Gaga was going to be a made up artist with a song created especially for the show (much like the episode of Sabrina with the song mentioned in the title), and was featured prominentely for Sarah and Brit's birthday. Who would have known "Telephone" would be such a hit and Gaga would become a world sensation? Did Gaga change your life? You're welcome.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
either way I found out I'm nothing without you :)
Speaking of cute animals on the internet obsession has jarred a lot of memories:

The semester is over, and I'm really excited, except now I'm bored until Ritz and I leave on June 5. If you are interested in attending a going away party let me know, because there will be one. Just let me know and I'll send you the facebook invite. Ritz and I are currently taking donations of mixed cds to entertain us on the approximently 8 hour roadtrip to Oxford. By mixed cds, I mean collections of music that can be easily transferred to my ipod, or mixed tapes (yes, Andrew. Tapes). Also, snacks. I like pizza flavor goldfish, and Ritz likes cookies.
Mostly, I'm just anxious to see my friends again. I need to get the dramatic Eagle reunion over with before we have to be good and social with everyone else. 28 more days! YAY!! Also, June 10 is our Friendaversiry! We've decided that My Life Would Suck Without You is going to be another one of our songs (our orginial song being Fireflies). Since we now have 2 songs, why not have an entire album? So we're working on that. Any suggestions?
My sub-letter backed out. Keep praying I can find someone else or else camp is a no. And honestly, that just can't happen. Speaking of camp (when am I not?) I just got word that UL training is going to consist of only Ritz, Eagle, and I. Ohhhhhh myyyy Mama Star, you just don't know what you are in for.
Last week, I got the Baby Sitter's Club: The Summer Before from the library, and it was delightful. I loved it. Claudia's outfits were still wonderful. Kristy's dad story didn't really annoy me, and neither did Stacy's diabetes complaints. And as much as I hate to admit it, I love Mary-Anne. Aww the orignial four, things were awesome then, until they brought in Mallory and ruined it.
I hung out with Lizzy just about all day yesterday. Oh my, I can't believe she's almost in fourth grade. I'm so old! We played an epic game of Battleship where this conversation happened:
Patsy: You won the last game, so you go first.
Lizzy: Ok, I-1
Patsy: I know you won, so go first.
Lizzy: Yes, I-1
Patsy: I know, it's your turn!
Lizzy: (pointing to the board and yelling) ROW I-1!!!!
She may be 9, but she does outsmart me occasionally.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
10 Happy Things During a Bad Week
1. Today was our "Reader's Theatre" performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream. It was adorable. Absolutely adorable. I know they are seniors in high school and don't want to be called "adorable," but I was so proud of them. Personally, I think that is the hardest Shakespeare I've read. There are three sets of characters and a play within a play, and that's on top of the language and lack of stage directions that is typical of Shakespeare. And they nailed it. Absolutely nailed it.
2. I am entirely done with all of my papers for this semester. After I print them tomorrow, all I have to do is take the Instructional Techniques exam which is all opinion so no real need to prepare.
3. On Friday, I decided I wanted to see that show "Glee." I downloaded it and watched all 15 episodes this weekend. The characters are excellent. I adore that Kristen Chenoweth is in it. Sue Slyvester is amazing, and everytime she speaks, she reminds me of Becky in a crazy way. " I empower my Cheerios to live in fear by creating an environment of irrational, random terror." Not that Becky is terrifying, but you know.
4. Speaking of Becky, I found this on my facebook wall today. There are really no words neccessary to explain why this is happy:
5. Last night, I was kind of having a rough time, Tia stayed up and texted me. Even though it was 1 A.M. and she probably wanted to sleep, she stayed up anyway. That is what a real friend is like.
6. Speaking of Tia, today I learned she comes with a dowry. Yes, indeed, if any of you are looking for a fine lady, I've got one who comes with a fire safe. She is also looking for a fine Amish man, if you know, any of them are willing to leave the church and teach her Pennslyvania Dutch.
7. Yesterday I accomplished a college goal of visiting the Starz Market. It was every bit as shady as I imagined.
8. There are 42 more days until camp. 42 and camp are both the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything.
9. I finally found a pretty smelling lotion that doesn't make me itch. It's Victoria's Secret Pink, therefore, it's incredibly expensive, but I got a travel size. It's fun to smell like sweet berry and grapefruit ("fun and flirty") without getting a rash.
10. Last, but not least:
PS. How do we feel about the green? I wouldn't typically pick green. I mean, I like green and all, it's just not pink.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I'm 22 for a moment
When you think about the differences between a 1 year old and a 4 year old, the differences are astronomical. Same with a 4 year old and an 8 year old, and even as old as a 12 year old and a 16 year old. But once you hit 18, people think you stay the same for a while. I don't think that's the case.
I'm about to finish my last week of undergraduate classes. Of course, there are the two "classes" you take when you student teach, but I'm not counting those because it's not the same. This is the end of studying, mundane paper writing, homework assignments. My last tutor meeting is Friday, and I declared myself done with Circle K last Tuesday. Certainly the end of a lot of things that have been important to me in college.
I'd like to say I'm getting emotional, but honestly I can only think about summer. And I can only think about camp. I know some people classified their college careers in semesters or years, but I classify myself in summers. There were changes every year.
'06 I was timid. I was shy and anxious all the time. I was young, and intimidated by older staff members. I was naive. I was shocked by the jokes, the language. Being so clean cut became like a disability. '07 I was bitter and complained like a champ, and my head was about the size of the camp. I did my job well, and I knew it. I got beyond excellent reviews. I thought I had changed and left that angsty person from '06 behind. Then once, one of my supervisors asked me to do something that I didn't necessarily want to do, something menial and stupid like cleaning a bathroom, and I did it because I didn't care. I was a good employee, I was at my job, and I was fully capable of completing the task, and not at all busy when I was asked. I was told later that when I stood up to do it, the friend I was sitting with at the time called me a pushover. I knew I had changed, but why didn't anyone else notice?'08 I took a chance and went to a new camp and I was terrified that I would revert back. I was scared that '07 was a waste and I'd be shy and timid again. But it wasn't. I was confident and I realized I had a lot to learn, but I also had a lot to offer. It was the first time I felt good in my own skin. and then there was '09 which has been the best summer so far. I met my best friend last summer, and problems didn't phase me. Sure there were problems but I handled them in a healthy way.
And in a little over a month I'll be back at camp. Summer '10. Number five. Five summers is a lot, and I am certainly nothing like '06 Potter was. I expect it to be a good summer. But what about when I come home? That's what I'm worried about. I'll come home and then I'll student teach and graduate, and in January it will be time for me to look for a real job and move into a proper apartment and make a paycheck and pay bills. Where does camp fit into that?
Camp has been everything the past five years. Everything. It made me who I am. It saved my life. It's made me better and better every year I've returned, so if I stop going after graduation, does that mean I've hindered myself from getting better, or just that I finally grew up?
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Easter and Happy
And if you don't believe in what I do, I hope you have a good weekend anyway, and enjoy buying jelly beans 50 percent off starting on Monday :)
The warm weather has been splendid, but me attempting to wear summer shoes has not. I have huge blisters all over my feet from flip flops, and I've only worn them for 2 days.
Speaking of warm weather and Easter: I'm so excited to eat ice cream again!
I also want to let you all know, Andrew is going to attempt to have a Lady Gaga fast for the 40 days after Easter. Sort of like Lent, but really just to prove he can. I intend on making this a 40 day long game of incorporating Lady Gaga even more into our lives than it is now.
I have to get ready to go to church with my friend tonight, but I am going to leave you with this quote Eagle heard on Akeela and the Bee and decided to make our mantra:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
I promise a real update soon!
Monday, March 15, 2010
stop telephonin' me-e-e-e-e-e-e
If you haven't watched it yet, take 9 minutes out of your life (yes, 9 minutes. That's not a typo) and watch the Telephone video. It's worth every second.
Andrew thinks my new thing is going to be sunglasses, and that I should have a pair of sunglasses for every outfit. I only bought one pair today, but he attempted to peer pressure me into several pairs. We did, however, find an Andrew Real World-esque pair, which I will surely buy as soon as I get my tax check. Surprisingly, we found a purple pair at Claires, and a more authentic blue pair at Pac Sun. Worth 15 dollars? If anyone gets the reference when I wear them, then yes.
Today, Chick Fil A was giving away free milkshakes. What a happy, happy surprise.
It's spring break, so if you're off, call me, maybe we'll hang out.
Please keep my friends in your prayers this week. I imagine it's going to be a tough week for a lot of them.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
This was my childhood.
Because of recent discussions of the Baby-sitter's club, I have been inspired to watch the movie, and I forgot just how excellent this movie is. Oh my.
This entire blog is going to be dedicated to my thoughts while watching this movie. Be prepared for excellent-ness.
Kristy: Founding member of the Baby-sitter's club. But really, how could we forget? Doesn't mean to brag or anything, but she has a lot of great ideas.
Stacey- Club treasurer. She's good with money, but she likes spending it (financially irresponsible?) She grew up in New York, and sometimes she thinks she still lives there.
MaryAnne-Kristy's best friend who is "kind of quiet, kind of serious." Kristy follows up with the statement "why are we friends?" (too long pause) "they say that opposites attract." Mary Anne is wearing the shortest skirt ever with man tube socks. Is that supposed to be cute?
Dawn-MaryAnne's step-sister who wishes she was born on Earth day. First scene of Dawn-she's picking up litter, dressed in her "California casual" style. Same girl who plays Alex Mack.
Claudia- "do you know anyone who can take a fork and a hammer and create that?"
Mallory- I hate Mallory so much I'm not wasting the words to describe her.
Jessi- "Jessi's motto is, why walk when you can dance?" Clearly Jessi's only flaw is that she's friends with Mallory.
"We're more than just a club. We're friends. We're best friends."
Conflict of the movie introduced: Claudia failed science and has to go to summer school. If she doesn't pass, she has to drop out of the Baby-Sitter's club. OH NO WHATEVER SHALL THEY DO? Claudia is the only one with her own phone line; they are using her for the meeting space. They all assure her she'll pass, and then she gives this super authentic "But what if I don't?!?"
Stacy arrives at Rosie Wilder's house with the KID KIT. Then she meet's Rosie's dreamy Swiss cousin, Luca. Good thing she has that Kid Kit, that's hot. Then he totally hits on her. Then, oh. my. god. Luca helps her baby-sit. He even carries the kid kit and takes them out for ice cream. BUT WHY IS STACY EATING ICE CREAM. In every book there's like, 25 pages about how she is diabetic. Then totally asks Stacy on a date, and she happens to work in that she grew up in New York City. "It's the best." "Just like you."
Kristy has another GREAT IDEA. Not just any idea. THE MOST BRILLIANT IDEA YET. They're going to open a day camp! She makes a start up budget and everything. What? These kids are 11 and 13. They're going to open a day camp? Where are the unit leaders? Where are the over 21s? Where is the ACA? Can middle schoolers get background checks? KRISTY THIS ISN'T LEGAL!
Introduce nemesis: neighbor lady who is not going to be happy with child run day camp in the neighbor's yard.
Introduce other nemesis: Cookie Mason, who's life goal is to put the BSC out of business and steal MaryAnne's boyfriend Logan. Same actress as Gia in full house, who is also a jerk.
Speaking of Logan, what a good looking man. He's from Kentucky or something. Plaid shirt, tucked in with belt. Long, dreamy blonde hair, with an equally as dreamy hick accent.
The BSC is hanging out at a hamburger place where Dawn is eating seeds. Can you even order seeds at a restaurant? Then Jessi looks at her and says, "hey Dawn, have you watered yourself lately?" LOLZ.
Now, all of a sudden, the camp is set up and running. To sort the kids into groups, they pin a pot holder to each kids shirt. A pot holder? Really? What about a hat? Or a bandana? Or a sticker? Really Kristy-a pot holder. Not your best idea. Kristy also wears a hat that says "the boss" in this scene. It's silly.
Introduce another nemesis: Alan Gray, poor boy who has a crush on Dawn and wears suspenders.
Introduce another nemesis: Kristy's real father shows up in a yellow Eurovan. He tells Kristy to keep it a secret that he's there, and she agrees. Oh Kristy, that's a bad idea. Didn't your mother ever teach you anything? Then Mary Anne and Kristy visit her dad in his shady Eurovan camping thingie, and he makes them "mouse pancakes." They don't look like mice at all. They sort of look like tadpoles. The he gives her a dress. Oh, Kristy. You're a moron. This guy's a creeper.
Cut to a scene of Mary Anne and Kristy playing clue together. That's boring. Can you even play clue with 2 people?
OHHHH NO. Just as Kristy leaves Day Camp to be with her dad in secret, mean neighbor lady comes over and threatens to call the city to revoke their permit. This is why 13 year olds shouldn't run camps. They forgot to get a permit!
"Did we even have a country back then?"
"Well, no, but we had a lot of diphtheria."
Cut to a lunchtime scene. Where did that dining hall come from?
Stacy freaking out about a DATE WITH LUCA. He tells her she looks smashing. He looks smashing as well. Jacket tied around his waist, funny hat. Oh, my, they're going hiking. Stacy's getting woozy. That's because she didn't eat. Then she passes out. Because she didn't eat. You know, because she's diabetic. And she has failed to learn every diabetes related lesson ever, you know, Sabrina the Teenage Witch style. But no worries, there's this cute scene of Luca with his arm on her shoulder, as she confesses her big big big secret. She has diabetes. "I don't think you're weird, I think you're beautiful." Oh man. Oh man. Is he gonna kiss her? yea....yea....there he goes....and he just touches her face.
Kristy is a bad friend in this movie. Oh man. She blows off her friends for her dad all the time.
Oh man, I forgot about Alan Gray and his magic tricks.
Dawn: "What's up with you and Kristy?"
MaryAnne: "Do you think I should get my ears pierced?"
MaryAnne is almost as smooth at topic changes as I am.
Everyone in this movie has two names. David Michael. Emily Michelle. Even that kid's imaginary friend's name is Jimmy Tony.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG This is about my be my favorite part. The BSC emergency method to make Claudia pass science. "The brain the brain the center of the chain." Random thought: if Claudia is summer camping all day, when does she go to summer school?
"Look at Nanny's tomatoes! They're huge! This year she's singing them show tunes. They're a lot bigger than the year she was singing them church songs." --Kristy's mom.
"I can't tell you."
"But you can tell MaryAnne."
"But she's my best friend."
Happy surprise: Claudia got a B-! she passed! Thanks to that crappy song. So she gets to go to NYC with Stacy and Luca, where Luca finds out she's only 13. 13! He just shouts it a lot! 13! Stacy returns home with dark sunglasses, and an sad song plays.
"I planted those just for the hummingbirds" -mean neighbor lady
"I think hummingbirds are magical" -Dawn
Dawn's such a hippy. I love her. And she always looks so California Casual.
KRISTY WHY ARE YOU AT AN AMUSEMENT PARK ALONE. THAT JUST SCREAMS KIDNAPPING. Yeah, Kristy. Your dad stood you up. I didn't see that coming or anything.
LOLZ. Cookie Roberts and friends get stuck in wet cement. LOLZ.
The most heartwarming part of this movie is when Kristy let Claudia wear her "boss" hat.
They only made 160 dollars from the day camp. That's it. But it's ok, because Jackie Rodowsky hit his first homerun with a shovel and a kickball, and he knocked Cookie Mason off a tree into a dumpster. Way to be Jackie Rodowsky. Aww, and Alan finally asks Dawn out for real. And she says yes. He probably likes her because she's so California Casual.
awww and the Happy ending is that they give the greenhouse (which I basically didn't talk about in this entire blog) to mean neighbor lady.
And now, a treat:
That's from the original series put out by Scholastic
And here you go, you've been wondering it the entire blog. What the heck is California casual? Oh, Dawn.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
movie quoting?
1. Pick 20 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDB and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them in a note for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed and the movie.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDB search functions. That's cheating and it ruins the
1. morally, ethically! spiritually, physically! positively, absolutely, undeniably and reliably dead.
2. If Brooke Shields married Groucho Marx their child would have your eyebrows!
3. That's cool. I'm a human, raised by humans.
4. Take a look at what I'm wearing, people. You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys?
5. And, as I always say, "if it's not Baroque, don't fix it!"
6. Yeah, she disciplines me real good. Sometimes five times a day, with bricks. uh huh, in a pillowcase.
7. We're a Vietnamese restaurant. We just don't have bread.
8. Maybe it's about stringing together all the little things like wearing these pants or getting to a new level of Dragon's Lair - making those count for more than the bad stuff. Maybe we just get through it... and that's all we can ask for.
9. We're dead. I don't think we have much to worry about anymore.
10. If the good Lord had intended us to walk, he wouldn't have invented roller skates
11.My idea of a perfect school is one in which there are no children... at all.
12. I just don't know if I believe in everything that you believe in. But I believe in you.
13. Okay, I may be an outfit repeater, but you're an outfit rememberer, which is just as pathetic!
14. So my point is, if you play basketball, you'll end up on the cereal box. If you sing in musicals, you'll end up in my mom's refrigerator.
15. No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.
16. You know how Sister Berthe always makes me kiss the floor after we've had a disagreement? Well, lately I've taken to kissing the floor whenever I see her coming, just to save time.
17. "You can't put wine in hobo stew!" "Why not? What goes better with hobos than wine?"
18. If I teach you sex, I have to give you sex for homework.
19. All my life, when I'm quite grown-up I will always remember my grandfather and how he smelled of tobacco and peppermint.
20. My favorite is Chocolate Cherry Garcia... except technically I think it's a frozen yogurt.
ok guess!
alive, awake alert, enthusiastic

So, today is Akron Presidents' Day (as opposed to the incorrect "President's Day," which a flier on the door of the writing lab ironically says). Yay for happy days off! I'm wearing my snuggie, sitting in Andrew's comfy chair, and google searching pictures of cute animals. The only thing that could be better is if I had some cotton candy ice cream and gummy bears. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, which begins the long, long, 40 days without ice cream.
There is nothing much to report, EXCEPT my soul sista RITZY POO is going to be joining me at camp this summer. Potter and Ritz reunited for the summer-:)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Dentists? Is that considered a dangerous profession?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
A Note to My Best Friend
"Keep your pimp hand strong, in case you have to hit someone with it."
You said that to me once or twice. That is some good solid advice, if I do say so myself. Except I don't imagine you'd ever have to use your pimp hand for anything. You loved everyone, and we loved you in return, but never like you deserved.
Also, Pespi is gross. Really, really gross. Especially the flat Pepsi I found in the fridge, that is gross, but I'm drinking it anyway. There's probably like, rivers of Pepsi in heaven. I sure hope it tastes better than this.
I have to go to work soon, so I can't wear the green harry potter shirt. I can't go decorate the tree. Somehow, this year, life went on, and I couldn't get around it. But I'm still thinking of you.
It's been 5 years, Em. Five long years. I don't know what I've done without you. My life changed when I met you. You were my best friend. You are my best friend. Life and death doesn't need to change that.
When you died, it didn't make any sense. You didn't do anything wrong. It was a "drunk driving" accident, but you were innocent. You weren't driving. It was 3 pm, perfect daylight. It was a Sunday. The man who hit your car had repeat offense DUIs and a suspended license. Taking away his license didn't do anything, he still got in his car and killed you anyway.
So, 5 years later, we're all still here on Earth (thank God) missing you. Everyone moved away, left Cuyahoga Falls, and made new friends in college. Everything changes, but one fact doesn't ever change. I always miss you and wonder what you are up to.
I wish you were here now. 5 years ago we were worrying about starting senior year of high school, and today I'm worrying about starting my life. One semester of college left. One Harry Potter movie left. It's like a whole different world.
It's crazy to think you've been gone for 5 years.
Your picture is still on the shelf right above my bed, and I never stop go a day without looking at it. You taught me so much, Em. You taught me about friendship and love and life, and I'm am always grateful for what we had.
We didn't have enough time together, Em. There was so much left we wanted to do, so many things we talked about. Some of them I did without you.
Some of them I never did at all.
I know someday we'll be together, again, friend. Someday.
Until then, God, please keep her safe.
Please keep us safe.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Some good things
"Having a breakdown is only a testament to how strong you are, because you don't let them break you. To give up, to stop trying, that's weakness."
I'm really lucky to have friends like this in my life.
I randomly opened to this verse today:
"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you had suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast. To him be the power forever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 5:10
Things are looking up, friends.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
So take these words, and sing out loud...
So, if you've lived under a rock and haven't heard, there was a massive earthquake in Haiti.
A little background information about Haiti (since Andrew told me that people in his class thought Haiti was in Africa). Haiti is an island in the Caribbean and it is one of the poorest countries in the world. There's a pretty unstable government, and as a whole, the country is not incredibly educated. Who can blame them really? People there barely have access to things like clean drinking water. Who worries about education if they don't even have water? These people live in terrible conditions. Many still live in houses with dirt floors, and it's an average of about 5 people per bedroom. Bad living conditions+lack of clean water+crowded homes means diseases spread fast. I heard on a documentary once that Haiti is actually considered a fourth world country, but I don't know if that fact is still accurate.
Anyway, the earthquake that hit would have been a bad earthquake anywhere, but the fact that it hit Haiti makes it exceptionally worse. Their buildings weren't all that sturdy anyway, so clearly they collapsed. Schools, hospitals, homes, collapsed, many with people (children) in them. A country this poor doesn't have access to the types of machinery to lift heavy pieces of debris. Think about that. People were trapped under these collapsed buildings, and perhaps could have survived, but there simply wasn't a way to get them out. This country doesn't have access to good medical care either, and the disaster has made it that much harder to get the proper care to those in need (and has also increased the amount of those in need). Medical care isn't the only issue. It's now even harder to transport food and clean water. Those are basic necessities. And since many structures collapsed, housing all of these displaced people in an already overcrowded place.
The UNICEF website estimates that 3 million people have been hurt by the earthquake and HALF of those 3 million are children. Children who are expected to rise above this trauma eventually. Children in a country where there isn't a social welfare system like there is here in the States, where they can be placed with families until they are 18 and can be on their own. No food stamps, no free lunch program, nothing.
If a level 7 earthquake hit in the United States, it would suck, yes, but we'd be back on our feet in no time. We have organizations like the army national guard, americorps, and the red cross to help in crisis situations, not to mention tons of and tons of small community organizations and groups high school and college students to volunteer and raise money. There are places to get food and clothing for your family, some of them are completely on an honors system and you can get what you need no questions asked.
A natural disaster in the United States is terrible, especially when lives are lost, so think of the impact of a natural disaster on a country like Haiti. Even the worst off of the people in the United States can walk into a mall or library and use the public restroom for the toliet, sink, and drinking fountain. It just blows my mind that even in the best of times, there is a country that does not have that luxury. Being able to flush the toilet as a luxury? Ever considered that? Maybe we should.
The primary coffee getting place on the Akron campus is Starbucks. Think of how much money Starbucks makes in one day. Think of how much money the average Akron student spends on coffee in one week. When it comes down to Starbucks or Zees, let's face it, we're all picking Starbucks. I'd say average drink there is about 3 dollars. And why am I even limiting myself to saying how much we spend on coffee? I mean, think of how much we spend on water. The cheapest bottled water I've found on campus is at zees for .79, but I'm pretty sure the Aquafinia is the same price as pop (1.25?). We spend 1.25 on bottled water because the water tastes bad? Because it isn't "clean" or "filtered" or whatever? The water in Cuyahoga Falls tastes better than the water in Akron? We spend extra money to buy bottled water because we don't like the way water tastes? When there are people in other countries DYING because they don't have clean water? Dying of diseases we've never even heard of or considered because of lack of drinking water. Americans sanitize their hands at the grocrey store before touching the cart so we don't catch a cold, but other countries still worry about things like dysentary.
Now imagine every single person who bought bottled water decided to stop doing it for one day, and give that 1.25 to unicef. (I hate to throw this in your face again Circle K'ers, but I am). Unicef can buy a water purification tablet for six cents. So, one person gives up bottled water for one day, and 21 people get clean water. One person gives up their $4 Starbucks frappuchino for one day, and 67 people get clean water.
Now, clean water in Haiti is a big problem indeed, but now there are even bigger problems. If we can give 67 people clean water just by skipping the frappuchino for one day, let's imagine what we can do now. We live in a country where people go into stores like Abercrombie and Fitch and buy jeans for $98. Imagine what the world could be like if every person who had plans to go shopping and buy expensive jeans this weekend decided they would give that money to those in need instead. If .06 cents can provide clean water, imagine what 98 dollars could do! Imagine what the world would be like if no one ever spent hundreds of dollars on purses (there is one on the coach website that is 1,000 dollars!!) I don't imagine the 1,000 dollar purse is a big seller, but what if that one person who wanted it made the decision to donate that money to an organization like the red cross or unicef instead? Can you imagine what could happen in Haiti if everyone who wanted a coach purse changed their mind and donated it instead? Proper medical care, enough food, safe and sturdy shelters, schools, so much.
There were people trapped underneath fallen buildings yesterday/today simply because they did not have the resources to move the debris. And there are Americans who spend 1,000 dollars on a purse?! This disgusts me. Think of what people other countries could do with that ridiculous amount of money!
So here's what you can do right now:
Donate directly to the Haiti fund at UNICEF USA On the homepage there is currently a red big link saying donate now.
Or donate through the Red Cross website. Again, a big red link saying donate now.
Or, if you don't even want to leave your chair, pull your cell phone out of your pocket, and text "HAITI" to 90999. By doing this, you will donate $10 dollars to the red cross, which will be added on to your next phone bill.
And seriously, don't underestimate the power of prayer. These children need prayers more than ever, and if you're flat broke and can't donate anything, just stop and think and say a prayer for them.
And it's someplace simple where we could live
And something only you can give
And thats faith and trust and peace while we're alive
And the one poor child that saved this world
And there's 10 million more who probably could
If we all just stopped and said a prayer for them
So take these words
And sing out loud
Cuz everyone is forgiven now
Cuz tonight's the night the world begins again
I wish everyone was loved tonight
And somehow stop this endless fight
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
training to be a cage fighter
-Clean out my hairbrush at least once a week (anyone know has ever seen my hairbrush knows this is quite the accomplishment. It's a round brush, and the last time I cleaned it out, Mike had to use his pocketknife to make a slice in it so it was easier...eww I know)
-Stop leaving tracks in itunes labeled as "track 1," etc.
-Read Sense and Sensibility
The most important part of my break so far is that Eagle and Blondie spent a week in Ohio with me, and I am so happy they both got to come and see me. I've missed them so much! Eagle left on Sunday, and Blondie finally made it home this morning. I'm so glad I have them in my life. They really are the two best friends anyone could ask for.
Today we took down the Christmas decorations, and Sarah admitted that our house won the contest. Let's call this even. They won for Halloween and we win for Christmas. What's the next good decorating holiday? hmm
Well, I've officially decided that I am going back to camp this summer. I know this probably doesn't come as a big surprise to most of you. I had, however, been planning on taking a break this summer, but I know I need to go back. I know it isn't the most financially sound decision ever, but I have a feeling I can work it all out. I know camp is what i need to do.
On another topic, I just ate Jimmy Johns and it was bad. And they took about 25 minutes to deliver. Oh, Jimmy Johns. I am disapointed.
The Real World DC premiered this week, and we are just watching the first episode now. I'm totally pumped to watch this because I've been to DC a lot, ANDDDD last time I was there, Anj showed me the house! I've been watching old school episodes of the real world on, and season 4 is totally my favorite. I really don't understand why people want to be on the Real World, but I am sure glad they do.